Saturday, November 3

David keeping warm
David keeping warm all bundled up in bed

Still no heat or hot water.  I spoke to the building management, and they said that it was a steam problem with ConEd, and that they were not given an estimate of when the problem would be fixed.  I called ConEd, and they said they had no record of there being a problem at our building, but on their outage map, it says that we are out, and that their estimated date for fixing the problem is November 9!  Yikes!  I have to say though, in the scheme of things, heat and hot water are pretty minor.  It could be worse.  I will go out and try to find a space heater tomorrow and maybe check out one of the Korean spas on the block.  A shower and sauna might be just what the doctor ordered and they may also be accessible.  My hair at this point looks a little stiff, if you know what I mean and I am grateful that I don’t have to ride on the bus or subway.

Today we watched the movie “Drive” which we have wanted to see for a while, and, now we are able to start catching up on movies.  David really liked it, but I had to close my eyes a bit to avoid the violence – otherwise, I thought it was good.  Last night we watched “Arbitrage” as well, which I liked more than David. We are planning on have movies nights (or days) on Mondays or Tuesdays and go out to the movies.  Also looking forward to starting to go to the theatre as well.

Tonight Joy visited and we had dinner at home.  It was, as always, great to see her, and we had a nice time.  After she left, I put David to bed and he is sleeping now.  Tomorrow we have our weekly FaceTime with Alex, Claire and Theo.
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My knee is better, but foot is worse, so little by little, we inch along.  Hopefully tomorrow both will be better!  I can dream can’t I!  I am ending this entry with a video.  Today, David made it his mission to be able to say my name.  Earlier in the day it was hit or miss, and I would often have to prompt him with the first sounds, but by the time Joy arrived, he was proudly saying my name loud and clear.  Needless to say, the humorous part of this was that at various points during the day – usually when I was in another room, David would say “Scott” and I thought he was calling me, and I would come to see what he wanted, but he was just practicing.  I became very teary eyed, and you can imagine by all of this, and you can tell by the look on his face how proud he is of being able to say it.

We practiced other names as well, Alex, Claire and Theo (he was not getting Theo very well).  Joy was please to know that he had no problem with her name. Here is the video – he has some trouble, but perserveres.

One thought on “Saturday, November 3

  1. please let me have your phone number and address. would like to visit. we also do not have heat or waterwater.
    we only got the electricity back on friday night.
    give my best to David.

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