Saturday, October 20

I drove up to 106th Street this morning, and as luck would have it, I found a parking space on the corner of Amsterdam and 106th, so I grabbed it, and went up and sprang David from the fourth floor.  I was worried about how difficult it might be to get David into the car and was hoping that the wheelchair would fit in the back of the Beetle.  I worried for nothing!  David transferred to the car very handily, and the wheelchair, while cumbersome, fit nicely in the back to the Beetle, so we were on our way.  Only a little traffic at 96th and Fifth because there was some sort of street fair on 96th Street, but once on Fifth, we moved pretty quickly and got to the garage under the building in less than 45 minutes.  David got back into the wheelchair, and we took the elevator up to the apartment.

At 1pm we talked online with Alex, Claire and Theo, which was great.  One of the highlights of the week for both of us, I think.  Then we had a nice lunch visit from Deborah Greenfield and Joe Tulman.  Great lunch from Chelsea Market and an even better visit.  Thanks for the books, David said that they would be great for him to start trying to read!  I think we can do it together.

We also caught up on a lot of TV – Dexter, The Good Wife, Homeland.  We have to begin to tackle Boardwalk Empire as well.  Before I began dinner, we took a nap, which was great.  Being in bed next to David again is amazing.  One of my favorite songs on an old cassette mix tape that someone gave Wayne a long, long time ago, is a song called “The Bed’s Too Big Without You” by Sheila Hylton and I am constantly humming it as I climb into the empty bed.  That cassette wore out, and I recreated it in ITunes, so now it will live forever!  I also added some songs.

Anyway, we had dinner, watched some more TV, and then repeated the morning trip, in reverse.  Only near disaster was when David was transferring from the car to the chair in front of the Jewish Home, he almost collapsed, but I caught him, and we got into the chair!  He went upstairs and hopefully to sleep, and off I go to my empty bed – another song on the playlist – “Empty Bed Blues” by Bette Midler.

Good Night!