Saturday, October 6

I feel bad that I skipped a day, but I think I was so nervous about David’s visit at home today, that I just forgot.  David was also a bit nervous, and couldn’t make it to the dinner with Jane and Henry Berliss. I think he was just a little overwhelmed by the idea of being home for the day today.

The day started early for me, and I did some last minute cleaning and prep work.  Then I hopped on the subway to get uptown in time to accompany David down to the apartment.  There was a lot going on in the neighborhood, because I think it was the Korean Day Parade, and 32nd Street was closed between Fifth and Sixth Aves, with lots of stalls set up.  When I got to 106th Street, David was dressed and ready to go!  We went to the lobby and waited for the ride.  At 10am, a van pulled up, but the driver stayed in the van, so I thought it wasn’t ours, but after a few minutes, I called the company the arrangements were made through to get an ETA.  They said the dispatcher spoke to the driver and he was five minutes away.  About ten minutes later, I called again, and while I was on the phone with the representative, the driver of the van came in, and he was David’s driver.  I guess he had a few important calls to make.  At this point, I knew that I was going to ride back uptown with David at the end of the night.

We got home, and David’s first word was “Why?”.  I finally figured out that what he meant was, “Why do I have to go back?’  I explained about the therapy, and while he got the concept, he didn’t like the idea.  I get that.  A little after noon we got our first visitor – Lynda, and we were soon joined by Luba and Tamara, and while they were here, we had our weekly video chat with Alex, Claire and Theo.  All looking terrific!  Then Sheila stopped by, and we had some interesting conversation about the debate, and what we think the Obama Campaign’s strategies are.  After they left, we had a few minutes before Monica came and then we were joined by Julie.  As always, there were plenty of funny stories to be told by all!  Finally, Joy stopped by, and I ordered sushi from this terrific place around the corner.
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Then Joy walked us downstairs, and we waited for the van again.  I called this time, and they said that he was about fifteen minutes away, so we went back up to the apartment and sat for a while.  They called at about 9:30pm and David was back in bed at about 10:15pm.  I kissed him good-night, and walked most of the way back downtown.

It was a great day, and we had lots of fun, but I am exhausted.  Mostly physically, because David wanted to sit in a chair, not the wheelchair, and each transfer was difficult – mostly because the chair and toilets are lower at home than on 106th Street.  It was a very good dry run, and I have a better idea of what the issues are going to be.  Mostly, David will need to be able to walk with a cane to get from the bed to the bathroom because the bathrooms are a little tight – doable, but difficult to manuever.

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