Saturday, September 1

What are the simple joys?  Well, this is one of them.  David at his Physical Therapy session.  Not his usual therapists, but they were playing with him, and I am amazed at the advance he has made with keeping his balance, and you will notice the fun that he is having.  Not to mention the therapists are having fun with David.  They can’t take that away!

We started out the day with a nice visit from Jane Lang, who brought another poem that she wrote inspired by David’s walking.  It is always great to see folks who haven’t seen him in over a week, because the change is so marked.  He is talking a little more every day and moving more and his spirits are still very good.  While I do find being a cheerleader very exhausting, I just imagine what it would be like to be trying to motivate someone who was not as eager and spirited as David.  After Jane, Joy stopped by (sorry about the parking ticket, Joy!) and we went to the gym for the PT where this video was taken.  It was a day of games, because later in the day, Deborah – the recreational therapist – stopped by and we played a game to improve Davids calculating skills (adding, subtracting, division and multiplication) and he did really well.

When I came back from lunch, Roy and Valerie had stopped by, and I just missed them, but Chrissie and her daughter, Caroline were still there, and we looked at the book that Chrissie had created about the yellow hat at the wedding.  Here is one sample of the pictures of the yellow hat from the wedding.

Quinn in the Yellow Hat
Quinn in the Yellow Hat

3 thoughts on “Saturday, September 1

  1. Hi Scott and David

    I will be visiting tomorrow and will double check the schedule! Take 2! Looking forward to seeing you both before school startup on Tuesday


  2. Hi Scott and David,

    Seeing David batting around the yellow balloon amazed me. The difference in the movement and strength of his right arms from when we were there on Thursday was significant. Good going!!!

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