The happy grooms

Saturday, September 22

Today I made lunch for David before heading uptown. Chicken stuffed with spinach and feta with olives. It was a new recipe and David found it a little dry, so it needs some tweaking, I think. When I arrived, Susan Enzer was with David, and hopefully there will be a bunch coming from UNIS this week after school. David had lunch, and then Joy stopped by, and we went out to the garden where we did some work with the letters. We had some good laughs about some of the interesting things that David says, but also, his reaction to some of the things we would say. It is often hard to distinguish between his not being able to say a letter or word and his mental capacity, so once in a while Joy or I would say something, or explain a word that on reflection was idiotic. For example, he can’t say “well” so you say, you know, where water comes from. His eyes say “Whatta ya think, I’m dumb or somtin’?” He does well with making words from the letters that we give him, but not with pronouncing them or getting the letters right.

After Joy left, we went back upstairs, and talked for a while and listened to music, and sang a little bit. Then he got back in bed, and we did some leg exercises and some work on his arm, then dinner, and I left for home. I walked most of the way home again, which was very nice, but this city is so crowded!

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