Saturday, September 8

The train back from DC was uneventful, and when I got to NY I spoke to Joy who spent the morning with David. He also had a visit from Liz and Electa. I got to the hospital at about 1 pm, and David’s new roommate is not what I would call quiet, so I think the move to the Jewish home, and hopefully a private room will make a difference. Of course, I have admit that when David’s parade of visitors started coming – Jonathan Deull and Sheryl Sturges, Maggie from UNIS, Becca and Greg, Ziad and Sandra, Maria and her husband (whose name, which was interesting and unusual escapes me at this moment, so Maria, send it to me), Brian from UNIS. it was quite a day, and thanks to the visitors who did a great job of arranging their times so we never had the room bursting at the seams!

After getting David ready for bed, I came home, and have relaxed for most of the evening. more tomorrow, and I will put information on the move as soon as I know.

3 thoughts on “Saturday, September 8

  1. Hi Scott,

    Paula and I are a pair: she goes by her middle name (she is Maria Paula) and mine is just plain unusual!

    Best of luck to you both with the upcoming move, and we’ll see you again soon!


    1. Thanks for the correction. Now I know why I couldn’t find an email from Paula, and will never forget Finbar now! Great visit, thanks!

  2. Looks like we just missed each other yesterday. Hope you got the info I left along with the carrot cake. Had a good visit and especially loved the addition of words/phrases.


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