Say one more word and I’ll scream

I slept in this morning, again, which is not a good pattern.  I must get up early tomorrow and get back to my program.  When we did get up, had breakfast and showered and then off to the Stroke Recovery Center for a meeting with Holly to do a speech evaluation and look at technology solutions.  When we got there, she wasn’t in her office, so David sat in the theatre for the Train Your Brain session and wait.  I asked a the front desk, and was told that Holly was running late.  When Glorianne came for Train Your Brain, she confirmed that Holly was late, and called to check what her ETA was.  It was, by this time, thirty minutes after our appointment, and the guy who was here for a 9:30 appointment, and now the 10:30 people were there as well.  When she arrived, David was quite irritated that he wasn’t the first person she saw.  We had a good time with the TYB group chatting and he had an appointment with Mary at 12:30, so as long as we got in by 12, we would be fine.  The folks at the center are very interesting, and it is great to hear their stories.

During what turned into a rap session, a client came in with a guy who I thought was his hired caregiver, and it quickly became clear that they were partners, not patient and caregiver.  Well, sometimes I think David and I have a May/December relationship.  Ok, maybe more like August/December, but this was a year ago February/December!  David gave me quite a look.

They should cialis tadalafil generic enter into an unfathomable height of communication unlike other kind of relations. cipla cialis canada Two primary factors which need to be taken after light meal or snack. This buy cialis canada is the important part, not every site online can be trusted and certainly not trusted enough to shop. Self-care buy viagra overnight and the care of other family members must become the priority. We met Holly and she did her evaluation, and she wants to see David as well as Mary, so now he will have three speech therapists. He is a very popular!  Holly also talked about the overlaps that she has with David’s therapy in NY.  She was at NYU hospital for her training, and worked at RUSK.  This was, of course, many years ago, and she shared that when she was an assistant at RUSK she worked with Joe Kennedy after his stroke.  She said that after that experience she wondered if she was cut out for the work!  I stayed for David’s session with Mary, and afterwards, we headed home for lunch.

After lunch, we had a few errands to run, Bank, getting a form notarized and then as a treat, we went for frozen yogurt.  For dinner, we went to Tropicale, which was very nice.  Had a drink and assorted appetizers for dinner.  It was a beautiful night.  At home, we watched most of Dancing with the Stars, and will finish it tomorrow.  Read the blog, and David’s one comment was why his head was so much bigger than mine in the picture.  Then a little bit of the book, and it was about particles and neutrinos.  He made me stop and said that I had to find another book to read.  I will continue this one on my own.