Searching for Tippi Hedren

Today was too darn hot (another musical reference) in the Napa Valley.  In Sonoma Valley

Tippi and friend
Tippi and friend

too, so we took a drive to the coast. Nice trip through the Russian River, but with the heat and all, the traffic in Guerneville was horrendous!  There was a moment when I was about to turn around and go back!  So glad I didn’t.  We stopped for some sparkling wine tasting at Korbel, and then had a bit of lunch, and then, headed to cooler climes.  It was over 100 when we left Guerneville, and by the time we hit the PCH, it was a delightful 70.  Amazing what a difference 20 minutes can make.  Then we drove down to look for Tippi in Bodega Bay.  Made a stop along the way to stretch our legs, and take in the spectacular views of the coast. Lots of traffic on the PCH as well, but it just slowed and didn’t stop like Guerneville.  No luck in finding Tippi or Al, but we did see loads of those damn birds!

Then, the drive back.  At first the warm air was refreshing, but just about when we crossed the 101, it started to get oppressive.  Then, home to the AC again, and David took a short nap.  I made dinner – pasta with brussels sprouts, almonds and bacon.  Very nice and rustic.  Some TV and off to bed for a well deserved sleep.

While we didn’t see any of the fireworks in town, we could hear them, and I think that our escaping the heat was our own version of Independence Day, right?  Tomorrow it is supposed to be much cooler, so we may head to Napa for a visit.