Simple as a tree and as simple as a cloud

We had such a great day. The weather cooperated, and we took a walk to Parc Monceau and bought a new pin for David and looked at the antiques and art on sale at the market along the edge of the park. Such a great day, and so many people out on this lovely Fêtes des Mères. In the antiques market we saw some paintings that both of us found pretty intriguing, but not sure if we will be compelled to do anything about them. They are a bit odd, and many of you may know about out obsession with cows (it’s a Vermont thing, I think), and these paintings were pretty cool. Comical cows in a bucolic setting that was also urban at the same time. I will have to get some samples, as they are pretty hard to describe, but, they are colorful, modern and cool. I think.
After wandering a bit, we sat and had some lunch at a terrific little café, you know, the kind you read about in travel books. Just outside the park. We sat and watched the world wander by looking at the gates to the park, and had a great lunch. We both had reuben sandwiches. Now, I know you are saying, “Well, you didn’t have to travel to Paris to have a reuben” but, these were sublime, and I just saw them on the menu and couldn’t resist. The one thing that was missing were the frits. But, don’t despair, they were substituted with some pretty outstanding onion rings. The one great thing was that they weren’t catering to a NYC or american crowd, they just made a very mean reuben. In case you are planning a trip, the place is called Le Valois.  Highly recommended and I am sure we will be going back.

On our way back down to the apartment, we saw a painting in a gallery that may give the cows a run for their money.  It was something along the lines of a John Singer-Sargent portrait of two your girls that was pretty stunning.  We may wander back to see about that one, but I asked David where he thought it might work, but he seemed to think he had jus the spot for it.  We’ll see.

Once home, I took a nap, and then we got up and headed off to Alex and Claire’s for dinner.  Ed and Alexis were joining us and it was a great evening.  I decided that we should walk to their place because it was such a nice afternoon – no rain in sight.  I was actually getting a bit hot as we approached their place.  Lots of folks out enjoying the day, and I was glad we decided to walk.  The best part was that the further we got away from the Champs Élysées, the fewer foreign accents we would hear.  Theo was delightful, as always, and the rest of the company was entertaining as well. I may meet Ed for yoga in the morning, if I can get it all together!  Claire prepared a great mean with noodles and peanut sauce with a cucumber and pepper side and it was all great.  Just hit the mark.

Then home and watched the end of a James Bond movie.  Not sure which one it was, but it was with the ever bizarre Grace Jones and the ever weird Christopher Walken.  I like them both, so don’t take that as a putdown, I respect weird and love bizarre.  Maybe even prefer them.

One thought on “Simple as a tree and as simple as a cloud

  1. OMG! When we were in Paris in October, our friends had lunch at Le Valois! (We had split up for the day.). They also raved about it.

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