So senator, so janitor, so long for a while

So, today was another good day.  We didn’t get to walk today, but did all the rest. We also went to the movies.  Saw Prisoners.  David liked it better than I did.  It wasn’t terrible, just not my kind of movie.  Loved Jake Gyllenhaal though.  We then watched the finale episode of Breaking Bad and the season opener for Homeland.  We are saving The Good Wife season premiere for tomorrow.

Made a special drink and dinner – blue cocktail and bratwurst in honor of Breaking Bad.  The end was satisfying, but not great.  No details to friends who are still on season 3!  You know who you are.  During dinner, I asked David if he wanted seconds of the sweet potato chips that I made, and he said no, so I polished them off.  A few minutes later, he asked for some more, and I told him that I ate them.  He insisted that he meant he didn’t want them when I asked, but did want some more.  My bad.  He told me that I had to write this in the blog.

David enjoying the Breaking Bad blue meth cocktail
David enjoying the Breaking Bad blue meth cocktail

A couple of days ago, we got some messages from friends in Washington the The Diane Rehm show had devoted an entire hour to stroke recovery and specifically to Aphasia.  While we were listening, I took this video and after we looked at it today, David said I should post it.  I think it is very funny, and shows how much David can communicate even without all the words.

4 thoughts on “So senator, so janitor, so long for a while

  1. So interesting and inspirational to see this video! All best wishes from me and my son, Burke alum Ben Leubsdorf.

    1. Thanks for the comment, and David sends his best to you and Ben. We are still working through the show, but it has been great so far – only about 10 minutes to go. It is inspiring and reassuring to hear from other folks dealing with aphasia, it is such a mystery in so many ways!

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