Some things nearly so, others nearly not

Thanks to everyone who sent Birthday Wishes to David, he enjoyed reading Facebook today, and I shared lots of emails that were sent to me.  Very nice, and very appreciated, by both of us.  And that brings me to a question.  Someone can answer it for me, if you please.  I get emails from people that are really meant for David.  So I will read them to him, and then he will tell me (and often have to remind me a few days later) to respond to them.  He normally can’t go into specifics about what he wants to say, but I will usually  tell him what the gist of what I am going to write will be.  Now the person reading the email knows that my pudgy little fingers are typing the email, mostly because of the mistakes that Spellcheck and I blame each other for.  So, anyway, do I sign those emails Scott and David, just Scott or some other format?  I think that from now on I will sign them Scott (and David).  Anyway, just a weird thought that has been rattling around my head.

Oh, yes, and speaking of emails, I went to volunteer at the Braille Institute in Rancho Mirage.  Now many will ask, why aren’t you volunteering at the Stroke Center.  I thought about it, but part of the purpose of this was for me to get out and meet new people, and since I know most of the folks there, it wouldn’t make sense.  It is also a way for me to get away from it all.  Well, not all.  Now dealing with folks with vision problems.  There isn’t much of that at the SRC.  I will probably be working in their computer lab helping folks take lessons on the computers.  Kind of dull, but at my first visit yesterday, he had me take one of the lessons, and now I know how to get David’s computer to read to him. He played around with it yesterday and today, but is having trouble with the changes in navigation that the voiceover works.  I know I asked at Apple about what sort of apps were there to help with reading, because David still isn’t able to, and was never told about this built in feature.

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I keep going off on tangents, it is one of those nights.  So, we ended the evening with dinner at home – vegetable curry.  You almost got veritable curry there (see above comment about my battle with Spellcheck). Then after dinner, we went to see Bernadette Peters at the MacCallum.  It was Chita Rivera all over again.  David, who loves Bernadette, kept muttering “Bad, bad, bad”.  She wasn’t terrible, although, the balance was pretty off and she was often drowned out by her 10 piece orchestra.  Anyway, I was worried that David didn’t like the concert for his birthday, but he said he didn’t regret going and loved it.  But it was bad.  One of his favorite phrases is “bad but good”.

One thought on “Some things nearly so, others nearly not

  1. Belated birthday wishes to David. We are just leaving Singapore on our way back to DC. As to the dilemma about how to sign emails, how about “Scott on behalf of David”. Or “David as interpreted by Scott”

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