Steps, large and small

Yesterday, Alex sent video of Theo’s very close to successful attempt at crawling.  We begin with small steps.  This morning, Maneshka told David that he should also work on rolling over onto his stomach and push himself up on his elbows, which is one of the PT exercises that we do.  It is amazing that the steps are the same, no matter what your age.  I can’t help but share the video.  Theo takes after his G-Dad David – the perseverance and the fascination with the mirror, but who can blame them!!

We had an appointment with Dr Blum this afternoon, and fortunately for us, the weather held out, so we didn’t have to take a car to RUSK.  Dr. Blum was very nice, as usual, and gave me all of David’s medical records to bring to California with us.  While waiting for Dr. Blum, I got a call from Dr. Karp, and he had the results for the blood tests that we had done a few weeks ago, and he found that David’s levels of homocysteine were high, and that is what may have caused the clot that caused the stroke.  He has prescribed folic acid, which can lower that number, and hopefully also clear up the clot in his leg.  Then, maybe sometime in the next six months, he will be able to stop taking the Coumadin.

After we got home, Siobhan came and had a Speech Therapy session, which went well, and then we had a visit from Geralyn.  Great to catch up with her, and she looked terrific.  Sorry it was so short, but we hope to see her in California with Marty.

Then, we had some dinner, and watched some TV – Antiques Roadshow.

I wanted to thank everyone who had sent emails or called wishing me good luck over the weekend with the One Act Festival, and also everyone who made a donation to the company, and a special thanks to Lynda who was at the performance on Sunday! Thanks.