Still the sun keeps on returnin’

It was pretty hot today.  Not sure if it was over 100°, but if not, it was pretty darn close!  When we got into the car after speech the car thermometer said 108°, but it was sitting out in the sun.  We has Life Changes with Cedric, which was good.  New member who shared a little.  She seemed reticent, but opened up a little.  I think the story of her husband’s stroke was frightening.  He was in denial for quite a while and was having, from what I gather, lots of mini strokes.  She said he wouldn’t let her call 911 one evening when he collapsed in the bathroom, but then woke her up at 4am a few days later, with his bags packed and told her to drive him to the hospital, but not to call 911.  I don’t want to judge, but he sounds like quite a control freak, and rather overbearing.  I will be curious if he ever shows up at the Stroke Center.  She seemed quite relieved to get some of it off her chest and to hear from other folks who had similar stories.

There was a moment when Mr. Hatfield began to come into the room, but when he saw Mr. McCoy was there, made a very vocal announcement that he didn’t want to stay, so his caretaker rolled him away.  It is amazing how two grown men can just hate each other so much.  I did hear that it almost came to blows in the gym.  Glad I wasn’t there.

Had speech with Holly afterwards, and David was giving her a hard time because she was late.  She had to move her car because they were trimming the trees around the parking lot.  They tease each other a lot, but I was surprised he was being so persistent.  I think he thought she was an hour late, but she was really only 20 minutes late.  She is in a wheelchair, and moving her car is not as easy as just hopping in and driving a few spaces.  David’s journal is getting more and more detailed, and he is writing more, but still needs lots of help.

We also had our last session with Arlene before we come back after the summer.  We will get to see her at group next week, but this was our last session alone.  She gave us a stack of worksheets to do while we are away, and they dovetail nicely with what both Holly and Mary are doing.  That, and I would like to work on reading while we are sailing. I have been thinking about looking at some poetry, because it is pretty concise, and he can try copying it as well.  Good practice all around.  David has been complaining that I don’t spend enough time working with him on the speech and writing, and that may be true.  I do what I can, and hopefully on the ship we will have some time to do more work.

I have been dealing with insurance to get all the prescriptions I need before we sail next week, and that has been quite trying.  There is one that is still in a sort of limbo.  Fortunately it is a drug that David and I both take, and he will have enough for both of us for at least the first part of the trip.  I may need to ask Donovan to send it on to us in Miami or Paris.  Who knows, maybe it will make it!