Stop worrying if your vision is new

Saturday, the movers came. Everything that we are taking is on its way south, if not already there in storage. We plan on getting in the car on a week from today, March 16. I had originally planned on leaving work on March 15 because I thought it would be appropriate, but, the politics continued, and after the election earlier this month, It was pretty clear that my decision to leave earlier was the right one.

Oh god, what am I doing. If you got this far, I give your credit and my apology. So, our plan is to leave Livergultch on the 16th and drive to Paso Robles to spend the night. The next day, we are on our way to Santa Barbara to visit with Walter and Lynne. That would put us in Palm Springs on the 18th to 19th. We may make a stop in LA on the way to PS.

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