Suddenly the raindrops that fall have a meaning

We got home yesterday at a little after 6pm.  So nice to be home, even if it is 110°!  The drive was OK, and we only hit some traffic when we were going through Pasadena.  The house was in pretty good shape – lots of boxes, but otherwise, manageable.   David was very happy to be back.  This morning I took a walk before the sun got too hot.  Have to make myself continue to do that.

We exercised and went into the pool.  The pool was 90°, and while that would seem not to really help with the cooling off, the effect of evaporation when you get out of the pool makes 110° feel almost chilly.  We decided to go to the movies in the afternoon, and went to Blue Jasmine, the new Woody Allen movie.  I liked it, but David seemed to hate it.  He admitted that Cate Blanchett was terrific, but he thought the male characters were a bit unbelievable.  I thought it was a great modern take on the Streetcar story, and liked all the performances.

Then home, a walk after the sun went behind the mountain and I made some dinner.  We watched True Blood and Dexter.  David thinks he knows what is going to happen with Dexter.  No blog to read, but have started a new book.  Will fill you in on that once we have gotten into it.  Tomorrow we have our first Physical Therapy here in Palm Springs.