Sunday, November 11

Today there was a Veteran’s Day Parade on Fifth Avenue that seemed to last forever.  We went out this morning for a walk – down to 30th and Fifth, then across to Madison, where there was, strangely, no cutout ramp on the sidewalk, so we then walked another block south to 29th and up the east side of Madison, and back home.  It was a great day, and as we came back into the building, the parade was starting, and was going for the next three hours.  We could hear the bands from the windows and I stole a peek or two from the balcony.

We had some of the lovely lox that Stephanie and Carla sent, and when Baba (the weekend aide) came, David got his shower.  I don’t think he liked it as much as the one he got from Faye – she seemed more thorough.  We had a great visit with Michal and she brought a great card from the kids in her class, and read each one to David, which he enjoyed immensely.  After that, we had the first visit from the Occupational Therapist.  She was asking questions like – “What do you do when you want to get something to drink?”  or “What happens if you want to have a snack?” – to which I replied, “That’s my job”.  She suggested that David should start doing some of these things on his own, and he, at first looked a little dubious, but by the end thought that might be a jolly idea.  He often forgets how much he really can do on his own, and what a vast improvement he has made.  When we were on the walk this morning, he helped propel himself using his left arm to push the wheel,  it was much appreciated, and did help with moving along.

He fell asleep watching “Dexter” so that will have to wait for tomorrow or Tuesday, and we will also catch up with “Homeland” and “The Good Wife”.  We begin another week and it is now two months since we arrived at the Jewish Home, and tomorrow Theo is two months old – Happy Birthday Theo!  It seems like it was yesterday and twenty years ago that we arrived at the hospital in Albany.  And at the same time, David has made such incredible progress, but has such a long way to go.  As long as we keep moving forward.