Sunday, September 23

Ok, Ok, for those of you who caught it, I made a mistake yesterday and jumped the gun.  Today is our anniversary, but as many of you didn’t read my post until this morning – no harm, no foul, right?

Today was a great day.  I arrived at about 11 and David went to Occupational Therapy right away.  He did a lot of core work on balancing and reaching and putting some weight on his right arm.  All good stuff!  We were done just in time to get ready for our FaceTime call with Alex, Claire and Theo.  It was great to see the baby and to chat with Alex and Claire.  After the call, we had lunch and then went to the garden.  It was a beautiful day, and looks like the rest of the week will be an ideal fall in NYC!

When we went back upstairs we were joined by Liza Himmelman from Washington, and she stayed through the day, which was terrific.  As always, she told lots of stories of her life in DC.  We were also joined by Chris Fairchild, Jackie Jenkins and Elke (Science Teacher from UNIS).  Gene, Liz and Quinn visited and brought some terrific croissants.  We didn’t have any physical therapy, which was not great, but David did get a much wanted and appreciated shower, and was in a great frame of mind afterwards.  We then had some dinner, and substituted the sushi that Jackie had brought earlier for the dried out fish that was delivered!  I left after getting David into bed, and walked home.   Walking through Central Park at sunset and twilight is a magical experience, and I would suggest it to everyone!

Well, tomorrow is Monday and it is back to the old grind of all the therapies and arranging things.  Hopefully we will have a meeting with the social worker, therapists and doctors early in the week, and I will post the results!