Sunday, September 9

May I be candid with you?

I feel that we have bonded.

I want to get drunk.

Fall down, obnoxious, one of those people you see in the streets on a Saturday evening near a college or university, drunk.

I won’t, but I want to.  I think just to lose control a little, for just a moment or an hour or the night!

I spent most of the day with David, and we had a nice FaceTime chat with Claire and Alex (still patiently waiting for our Grandchild to arrive) and soon after we were joined by Sheila and then Jackie stopped by.  She won’t tell you about it, but here is the link to her TED Talk.  Thanks for sharing and Peace be with you and you shouldn’t be modest.  And then Phyllis came by when dinner was being consumed – it amazes me that he has such an appetite.  I made a wonderful salad with the tomatoes that Jonathan and Sheryl brought yesterday.  One mistake though – I put it in the bag with the laundry that I did last night, and I’m just getting ready to fold the clothes that had to be re-laundered because the dressing leaked in the bag.  He enjoyed the salad though!

David is a little concerned about moving, and seemed shocked when I said that he could possibly be moving tomorrow.  Jackie reminded him that he had told her that he might be moving tomorrow, and he had to concede.  Also, after today, and his neighbor’s episodes caused by the laxative that his nurse gave him, I would think that he would be looking forward to getting out and being in a private room (fingers crossed!)  His neighbor yells a lot, but not nearly as loudly (or obnoxiously) as his wife.  I might add that she goes to the corner for a sandwich or two whenever there is an episode.  Was that mean?  Maybe I want to me drunk and mean!  Impossible!