Sushi Sen-Nin

Tonight we did it!  We walked to Sushi Sen-Nin on 33rd Street between Madison and Park Ave.  There were flurries on the way over, and it was really snowing on the way home.  There were a few moments on the way over and back when David looked at me and wanted to know why we were doing it, but we did it!  He did a great job negotiating the uneven pavement, the crowds and making it across Madison with the light.  As we approached, I was worried whether we would make it in time, but, when we got to the curb, the don’t walk signal was still blinking!!  Dinner was great, by the way, but it really was secondary.

Other than that, it was a typical Saturday – Up at 9, exercise, shower, call with Alex, Claire and Theo.  I also had to interview Directors for the One Act Festival for the Complete Theatre Company.  We also has some actor auditions thrown in.  Good and interesting people.  Still not settled on which play I will be directing, but should be settled this week, I think.

Today, we read two objects.  One earlier in the day – Dürer’s Rhinoceros, number 75 and then just before bed, object 76 The Mechanical Galleon.  The blog passed without any comments too, so it was a good night.