Talk about the moon, floating in the sky

We went to speech therapy after I wrote the blog this afternoon.  It went well.  Arlene, the speech therapist, thought David was doing well.  She did a lot of tests with him, and at one point she asked him to count to ten.  He was stuck, and didn’t know how to begin.  I said that I thought she needed to get him started, and she put up one finger, and he was off.  That was the first time that I recall where he didn’t need a verbal cue to get started, and he went right through ten.  I also asked about a group, because is said that he speaks more with other people around, and not just me.  She said that this is very common, and that folks fall into shorthand with people they see regularly – pointing, making hand gestures, etc.

After Speech we came home and I made dinner.  Then I had an audition for the Gay Mens Chorus of Palm Springs.  I was not worried, and there were about 30 folks auditioning.  The notice said to prepare something and bring the music, so I did, but very few of the folks had prepared anything, and luckily, the people who had prepared something went first.  I sang one of my favorites – “Somewhere That’s Green” from Little Shop of Horrors.  I’m no Ellen Greene, but people seemed to enjoy it.  The evening was a sort of meet and greet, so went down to socialize after the audition and met a few nice guys.  I am not sure if I will actually be able to join the chorus, because we will be in Paris for a big chunk of the rehearsal time for the winter concert and on our way to Copenhagen when the spring concert is scheduled.  I may see if there is some other way to help out.

After that, came home and we watched So You Think You Can Dance.  It was the final elimination before the final, and I have to say, I was disappointed with the male dancer who was cut.  It shouldn’t have been him, but, after all, the american public is voting, and look what we were stuck with from 1998 to 2008!!  Anyway, then the blog and the book.  There was a frightening story about Isaac Newton that I had to actually stop reading because it was freaking me out.  You will have to read the book because if I tried to describe it, I would have nightmares.  I am a little edgy just writing this.

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