Tell him what I see

So, I wrote the blog this morning, and then the day took off.  We exercised, swam and showered, then went to the SRC for Train your Brain, which we were late for, and David had Speech Therapy after that.  I had a few minutes to run to check out one of the gyms.  I have to figure out a way to make that work, but it is difficult to carve out time for myself.  While there are moments throughout the day, the only time that it is safe to call my own is early in the morning and late at night, and that eats away at sleep time, which I like to do.  Sleep that is, not eat away at it.

Anyway, after speech, we went for lunch at Happy Sushi, which was great, but I was pretty stuffed when we finished.  Then around the corner for a haircut.  Also glad that we got that done.  We followed that by taking that walk in Ruth Hardy Park.  I thought when we were walking, I want to find out who Ruth Hardy was.  Oliver Hardy’s wife?  I doubt it, but who knows, it is not far from Frank Sinatra’s house.  It was a nice walk, and a relatively long one for David.

Then home and David took a nap.  We watched the rest of DWTS and Modern Family, followed by the beginning of The New Girl and part of Parks & Recreation.  Then the blog and book.  David wanted me to say that he thinks Jeffrey is just as good as Blade.  Also, this title will be a particularly hard one, I think.  There is one person who reads this blog who might get it.