The Bronx is up but the battery’s down

The other night, I came home and David tells me he wants to go to NY.  A friend here in Livermore was telling me about an upcoming theater trip to NY, and David thought that was a great idea.  So, we are planning a solo trip for David to NY!  I will let you know what date we pick, so any east coast folks who want to rendezvous with David can make that happen.  Also, any theater suggestions will be most appreciated.  That will be the main purpose.

Speaking of Theater, the SF touring season was just announced, and while Hamilton will be the hightlight, they are also presenting the pre-broadway showing of Roman Holiday.  That will be fun.

Alright, I did not write the next night, as I had hoped, but let’s just be happy it was days, not months.  A lot happened in a few days though.  On Saturday we went to test drive a new car.  With the beetle and the convertible, we were realizing that we needed a four door car.  It was getting tired (mostly for our friends) to have to squeeze into the back of the convertible or the beetle.  We decided we would try and follow Ed Begley Jr’s lead and look at an all electric car.  And that is what we did.  Leased a Nissan Leaf.  We traded in the beetle and kept the convertible (you have to have one in CA, right?)  Now we have a great little car to take drives around the area (it goes about 120 miles on a charge).  It is lovely to drive and blue, although one has nothing to do with the other.

The best part of getting the car though was, while we were in Dublin, we found what will now be our favorite Chinese restaurant.  We have Uncle Yu’s here in Livermore, and it is good, but a little upscale.  We had so much food at this place and it was so good.  We will be going back regularly!

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