The cows’ll moo in the clover

A very adventurous day today.  I needed to go to Trader Joe’s to pick up David’s favorite cereal, and David wanted to come along.  I decided that we would try one of the motorized carts that they have in the store and see how it works and whether David could drive it.  There were a few harrowing moments, and one of the workers asked if he had a license to drive that thing.  I think I was more concerned than I needed to be, and certainly more concerned than David.  We only had one close call with a display of coffee cans, and truth be told, it was more my fault than his, but I was a bit nervous.  Fortunately, most folks were pretty aware of the motorized cart, and scurried out of the way when needed.  The real issue was the speed.  David didn’t get the concept that you didn’t have to push the throttle to full power and there was space in between.  We survived!

We also had a great talk with Alex, Claire and Theo.  Alex’s mom and sister were visiting, and we got to wave to Jamie and Cleo.  We also did all our usual stuff, but instead of a walk, we went to a number of open houses, which was good walking and practice in real spaces.  One of them, tucked in close to the mountain, was pretty spectacular.  The views from the pool were incredible, but I think being so close to the mountain would not be great.  The sun ducks behind the mountain much earlier as you get further west, and honestly, I like to have the view of the mountains and not of the valley.

Then home and a nap and I made a chicken and shrimp stir fry for dinner and we watched some more TV.  Glee, The New Girl and Parks and Recreation.  Glee was the episode saying goodbye to Finn which was sad, and they didn’t go into any detail about how he died, it was just three weeks later, and they were preparing for a memorial service.  I have to admit, I cried a bit.  I find The New Girl very funny.  Completely nuts and no basis in reality at all, but it makes me laugh.  P&R too.

Then the blog and book.  David made me stop reading the brain stuff, and pulled out a book that we were given a year ago called Exodus 1947 and I have started reading this.  It is about the creation of the state of Israel.  I think we will alternate between the two.  Thanks to Margo Steinberg for the book!