The desert keeps on blooming

The second cactus flower
The second cactus flower

So, we had another bloom this morning.  You can see the one from last night in the picture (top), but it is closed up.  There is a third, but I think that will bloom after we are gone on Saturday. This morning we went to a session at the Stroke Recover Center with Cedric King who is a former minister and therapist.  Not sure how much patience David will have for these sorts of things.  It was good though, and the more we get out and meet folks, the better.

After that session there was the Let’s get Physical group.  Didn’t really know what to expect here, but they just set up various activities around the room – putting, ping pong, target shooting (nerd guns) and other games.  We did all, and David, of course, did the best at all of them.  In the end, we got into a circle and tossed balls, bean bags and a hula hoop around to each other.  To make it more interesting, you had to say who you were throwing the object to.  I was smart enough to only throw to people whose names I knew, and David, by the end, was getting most of the names out, which, when you think that four months ago, he often couldn’t say my name, was great!

Then, home and some lunch.  We stopped by Aspen Mills, a local bakery, for sandwiches.  Then a nap, and afterwards, off to Quilter’s Faire.  There was some southern California quilter’s event happening this weekend, and the ladies at the Shop were dressed as Betty and Wilma from the Flintstones.  This was lost on David, but not on me.  We then went to see Man of Steel.  It was a bit much, I have to say.  I liked the romantic quality of the Christopher Reeve version better.  I liked all the performances, but it was a little too action packed for my liking.  I think that they have set up for a great series though, now that they have gotten the Krypton villains out of the way.  I think that I missed seeing things through the eyes of the citizens of Metropolis.

Then a drive home with the top down of the car.  It was still 110, which was pretty brutal.  We got home, had dinner, and then to bed for some tennis and then reading.  The blog, and Paris.  It is amazing that in 1850 they were having the same back and forth about investing in infrastructure as opposed to keeping to a budget, and the conservatives didn’t understand the concept of investing in the future.  Of course, unless it is money going to the military industrial complex, then it is OK.  I will shut up now.