The kind of perfection I cannot abide

OK, sorry I missed yesterday, but nobody’s perfect.  And that is the theme, so if fits very nicely.  Yesterday, we had Physical Therapy with Blade, who may now be reading the blog, so I have to say nice things about him.  Well, that is really pretty easy.  So, one of the reasons I didn’t feel like writing yesterday was that there was some tension in the Kenison/Shapiro household.  I couldn’t figure out exactly what I said or didn’t say, but I think it has something to do with the fact that I don’t write enough wonderful things about David in here, and he thinks that folks out there think that I am fabulous and he isn’t.  We all know that isn’t the case.  Blade sensed that there was something off, and I told him that David was mad at me about something, and he told David that I was almost perfect.  David wanted to know if I was almost perfect, what did that make him.  Blade said that he was perfect.  So there you have it, I am almost perfect and David is perfect.  I’m actually quite happy with almost perfect, it gives me something to aspire to, right?

Anyway, we had a good day.  I had a doctor’s appointment in the morning, and got a clean bill of health.  Have lost 25 lbs and only 15 more to go!  Blood pressure is good and all the other numbers are good, except for the uric acid, which is the cause of the foot and knee problems. We are addressing that.  Then we went to the Stroke Recover Center for Let’s Get Physical.  Since it was so nice, we went out to the yard, and played Bocce, whiffle ball and horse shoes. David did very well at all of them.

Last night I had rehearsal, and i reiterate, it is great to sing.  Quite a release for me.  Some good music, and the concert will be fun.  Not sure if I will actually be able to participate due to the missing rehearsals, but, it’s the journey not the destination, right?

Today we got up and went to Tennis.  I missed my walk because I slept in.  Will have to get up extra early tomorrow and walk more!  Tennis was great, and David is hitting very well.  Bill has him hitting forehands and backhands, alternating, and doing some shifting of his feet without the cane.  Then off to Train the Brain at the Stroke Recovery Center, followed by Speech Therapy.  Mary, the therapist, is changing the times on Monday and Wednesday so David will participate in the 11:30am activity and then go straight to Speech at 12:30pm.  This also has the added benefit of giving me two hours on Monday and Wednesday to run errands, or just relax.  Maybe start going to the gym again.

Then home, and even though I slept in, I took a nice nap this afternoon.  Made dinner – shrimp with garlic.  We watched Dancing with the Stars, but no Breaking Bad.  It would be nice to catch up for the series finale this weekend, but not sure if we will be able to make it.  Then we read a bit more of the book and found out some strangeness about Mr. Hubble of the telescope fame.  His wife disposed of his body without telling anyone where she put it.  I am sure there is a story in there somewhere!