The week ends

Well, it was quite a week, but it ended on a terrific note.  We had a lovely visit from Julie Halston, and David is ready to see folks, so plan your visits! He didn’t have a full schedule of therapies, but saw the Physical Therapist and the Occupational Therapist for 1/2 hour each, and each time he sat up for an hour afterwards.  He also was getting a little more movement in his leg and is getting into the wheelchair with a little less help.  He has a few exercises to do while alone, but I also needs some reminding.

When I arrived, he had written two pages that looked like lists of things to do or ask the Doctors and Nurses, but they didn’t make any sense.  There were some words that were there, but nothing that was coherent.  I find it baffling that his understanding is perfect, but he just can’t make his body do what he wants – speak, write.  I bought an electric razor, which he used to shave himself, but we had trouble getting him to understand how to turn it on.  It was a switch, and he was pushing it like a button, but not sliding it, and couldn’t differentiate between the two.

Tomorrow he starts with three hours a day of therapy, and I have told him, and he understands that it will be hard.  He was exhausted after the two half hour sessions he had today.

One of the highlights of the day was his delight when his nurse came and and told me how handsome he was.  I think it made up for the “your father” comments!!

4 thoughts on “The week ends

  1. I am Lynda Crawford’s sister, Susan. I hope it is okay that I write to you. I wanted to offer you my hope and say what a wonderful job you are doing. As you probably know, our mother had a stroke nearly 4 1/2 years ago. She was not able to have the operation due to the time lapse.

    I think Patience has been the key element for us all. For mom, to be patient with herself as the recovery progressed. And for us, as our expectations get mixed up when she can seem better sometimes and then worse other times.

    We were told to keep reading to her and working on the speech by being patient while she found the right words and not making a big deal when she made mistakes. I can see that you are doing so much to help and encourage. I believe our will helps them, when they have trouble finding their own strength. I know that my sister has done wonders for our mom.

    I send lots of love and prayers your way. Aloha, Susan

  2. Good morning Scott,
    Hope this is a good day for you both.
    Of course David is handsome. And…. he is funny and charming and a delight to be with.
    Love to you both.
    Char and Barbara

  3. Scott and David,

    Thinking of you constantly and have sat at the end of our Northern Canadian dock every night since I heard your news sending positive and healing thoughts into the night sky.

    I am looking forward to seeing you both when I get back to NYC next week.

    Thought I would bring yellow flowers to remind you of your wedding day and if I can find David’s wedding hat I will bring that as well.

    Sending strength and hope,

  4. Hi Scott and David,

    Sheila wrote me about her visit. It sounded beautiful. I am listening to Hymn of Love and thinking of you both. I am in Hawaii until mid-September, so I won’t be by until then. But you are in my heart.


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