The world is bright, all right

Went to see Kaye Ballard’s Going Out of Business tonight, and it is very sad (and slightly unbelievable) that she won’t be performing any more.  She was delightful.  She sang, told stories and just entertained.  Plain and simple.  At almost 90, her voice is not what it used to be, but she can still sell a song and story.  Early in the first act she did a song called Is There a Straight Man in the House? and killed the predominantly gay audience.  So much fun.

The first act was Kaye’s, but the second half was filled with guest stars starting with Carol Channing.  At first, I thought she was just going to introduce Carol, but Carol Channing did her Cecilia Sisson piece (see below).  Her timing was impeccable and I thought I was going to die and the audience went wild.  I actually think that Carol didn’t know that she would be doing anything, because she complained that if she had known, she would have worn her eyelashes, which she did not.

Next up was Mimi Hines, who was Streisand’s replacement in Funny Girl, and she sang Who Am I Now.  She was not as good as Kaye, but nice to see.  Followed by Alix Korey who sang a song from The Wild Party that was really good.  She was one of the highlights of the evening.

Then, for a slight change of pace, Shecky Greene came to the stage.  He made me realize how much times have changed.  The audience laughed, but so much of his material relied on ethnic stereotypes, that there were moments I sort of felt uncomfortable.  He looked really great though.  Then Kaye introduced Gavin MacLeod who didn’t come up and perform, but just waved.  While she was doing that she noticed that Peter Marshal was sitting next to him, and asked if he was willing to sing something.  Well, who knew that the host of Hollywood Squares had such a great voice.  And still has it at 88!!

Unfortunately, the evening ended on two very low notes.  The last two performers were friends of the music director, I think, and one was more bizarre and as unappealing as the previous performers were appealing.  I can’t even begin to remember their names, and believe me, I would give them, just so everyone could avoid ever having to suffer through an evening with either.  The second of the two was wearing a get-up that was so tragic, it was almost laughable.  He was wearing black leather pants that were so short and tight, that they are best described as pedal pushers gone terribly wrong and a pink linen jacket that I think he wore over in the truck of Carol Channing’s car because it was so wrinkled, but David told me when we got home, his favorite part of his outfit was the ankle bracelet that set off the leather pedal pushers so nicely.  Sad, just so sad.  It makes me ashamed of being gay, even if this all is a little catty!  They were just so many shades of wrong.

I think I have covered everything, and didn’t leave anyone out, but the best part of the evening was how much David enjoyed it.  I knew that I would, but though he was just coming along for the ride.  He kept saying thank you to me all the way home.  What a night!  Thanks Kaye!!