There was none that night, and the month was June

Today we had a visit from Alex and went to lunch.  We first made a stop at Gare du Nord because David needed to have a blood test done, and I thought that having Alex would be very helpful, because his French is much better than mine.  I can’t even say “Pardon my bad French”.  Anyway, it was very helpful.  Once we located the lab, we headed to lunch first.  It took a bit of a stroll to find the restaurant that I was interested in going to, and as we approached the door, the waiter came to meet us and asked if we had booked, but we said no, and he said – impossible and recommended the restaurant just a few doors down, and we went.  It was a great meal.  Alex and I had the foie gras and steak and David had oysters and scallops.  We shared some dessert as well – a fig tart and pot au chocolat.  The tart was better.

Afterwards we strolled back to the Gare, and found the elevator down to the lower level, where the lab was, and had the test done.  It is amazing how easy it was, and relatively cheap.  I always thought it was funny that you needed a prescription to get blood tests done, I mean, who goes to have a blood test done just for fun?  Will get the results tomorrow online.  The folks at the lab were great too.

Then Alex went back to school to teach a class, and David and I went home and took a nap.  Then we got up and met Alex, Claire and Theo at their usual Friday night hangout – Café Basile.  It was very nice and relaxed and in their neighborhood.  Had some cheese and frites and, of course, some wine.  Very nice.  Then drove back home, some TV (NCIS in English), the blog and book.  Tonight was about the introduction of north African food in Paris and some recommendations for restaurants.  We may seek some of them out.