There’s lots of world out there

Hello, Imelda! She didn’t disappoint. A very different take on Dolly. More human and less caricature. Still very funny. The script was much closer to the film than the stage version, I think. She looked great in emerald green instead of the traditional scarlet coming down the stairs of the Harmonia Gardens. The only change I would have made is to replace “Love Look in My Window”, which was added for Ethel Merman, with the song added for Streisand in the movie, “Love is only Love”, otherwise it was marvelous.

Needless to say I cried. I keep telling myself I have got to get a grip, but then, I think, why bother? I just ride the waves of joy and despair and hopefully come out the other side stronger and maybe a little wiser.

I am again whizzing through the English countryside on my way to the Chunnel and Paris. Before boarding the plane, I dropped my bag off at St. Pancras and headed over to Lightroom, near the station. Jon Kissack had recommended Moonwalkers, a presentation that Tom Hanks helped write and narrated about the lunar landings in the 60’s and 70’s. Once again I found myself weeping almost immediately. The clips of Kennedy talking about why we were attempting to go to the moon. And think, there are lunatics out there who think it didn’t happen and another one who thinks we aren’t capable of doing it again without him.

I made it back to Paris in no time at all. It really is amazing – in under three hours from London to Montparnasse. The trip across Paris was also quick!

Well, that was days ago and aside from sleep, I’ve been busy. Went today to an exhibit of Costume Jewelry from the Comédie Française. Small but beautiful. Followed by a cooking class at Hôtel de la Marine with Le Cordon Bleu. Small group and lots of fun. Can’t say I learned anything new – David and I made a similar recipe at the Culinary Institute of America in Napa twelve years ago.

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