Thursday, August 30

Today began with a call from the hospital social worker who left me message that Oxford Insurance was going to stop paying for David’s hospital stay on Tuesday of next week.  He said that while they were going to try to extend the stay, we needed to be prepared to move if we had to.  I called him back and told him what our preferences were, and then I ran into him at the hospital later.  He said that the entire team knew about this, and were going to do whatever they could to keep David at HJD for another week.

His therapies went well today, and the pain is less than it has been, which makes it easier.  He still experiences a little, but can work through it more easily.  He had a full schedule today with two hours of PT, 1.5 of ST and 1 of OT – they have fewer patients on the floor, so are able to increase the time they spend with David, which is great, but makes him very tired by the end of the day.  We sang again in speech therapy, which was good, and while he isn’t getting all the words, they seem to come out more easily.  He also is stringing more words together, so little by little it is coming back.  Valerie and Roy met me at the hospital, and had a nice visit with Liat and they talked about South Africa – Liat is from there and Roy and Valerie live there most of the year.  Then the three of us headed off to the 9/11 Memorial, which was quite impressive, I thought.  Afterwards, I went back to the hospital just in time to eat dinner with David.
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Our last visitors were Lynn and Richard Kutner.  Richard was a UNIS, but retired this past June.  We had a great visit, and they also remarked at how much more David is saying, which is so great.  I stayed for a while, and decided to leave when both David and I were drifting off.  I actually began to dream sitting up in the chair.

2 thoughts on “Thursday, August 30

  1. Scott, your fans want to know — did you get a call back for “The Sound of Music”? 🙂

    Sounds like David is making wonderful progress. Kudos to you both! Big hugs from across the miles! – S&M

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