Thursday, November 15

Merrick arrived this morning, and we went immediately to get blood drawn.  After that was done, we went to see if we could find a barber that had no steps up or down, and we found one on 31st and Madison.  David got his haircut, while Merrick waited with him, and I ran to the ATM to get cash because they didn’t take credit cards.  When I got back, the other barber got up and offered me a chair to get a haircut, and I thought, why not!?  I could use a haircut, so I did.  David was done before me, and Merrick took him home.  I forgot my keys, but thank God we live in a full service building, so the doorman could let them into the apartment.  When I got home, I picked up the long awaited hemi walker, which was in the package room.

When I got upstairs, David was drying off after a shower, and he was excited to take the hemi for a spin, and he did.  It will take a little maneuvering  to get through the doors and around some the furniture, but that will all happen.  One more step towards independence!  We both took a nice nap this afternoon, and then Jane and Henry Berliss came by for a visit, and then we were joined by Hatam and his family.  Maya was very impressed with David’s colorful shoe collection.  They left, and I made dinner for us before our night out at the theatre.  I called for a car, and it arrived promptly.  I thought it would be a breeze, but was surprised that the wheelchair would not fit in the trunk of the car.  I guess the one hand drive chair is larger than the standard, and that couple of inches makes the difference.  The driver tied the trunk shut, and off we went. I decided then, that we would walk home from the theatre.  It was only about 25 blocks, and most of it was flat or downhill.  We made it home in less time than it took with the car.  Granted, I got a workout, but, I probably needed it anyway!
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“The Mystery of Edwin Drood” was OK.  David didn’t like it much and did utter “oh, please” as Chita Rivera finished a ballad in the second act.  That is the moment he finds the words and is able to speak them!  I don’t think she heard it, even though we were in the second row.  I liked it better than David, but it is not my favorite show.  The performances were generally good, but Will Chase is a chewer and spitter of the first order.  He chewed up all the scenery and spit out every last word (along with about a gallon of his saliva!)  Ah, Baritones!  I really can’t be too critical, I have spit at my share of fellow actors on stage.