Thursday, November 29

You know, I was thinking today that when I write this blog, it is late, I am tired and it must sometimes come off in a weird sort of way.  I know (and sometimes catch) there are spelling and grammatical errors, because I rarely go back an proof them.  All through the day I think of things and say “I should put that in the blog tonight!”  and then just forget about them.  Maybe I will write something tomorrow afternoon for a change of pace!

So, I have another audition tomorrow.  I got an email from some company who saw my resume and headshot on Backstage.  I am not holding my breath, but, will go  I can’t even remember the name of the company, and don’t want to look it up right now.  Will let you know how it went.  We got up early this morning because Rose, the PT had a session at 8am.  David didn’t remember that I told him that this was scheduled, and was very confused.  He wanted immediately to look at the calendar to check to see if it was written down, and I know it wasn’t because she made the appointment late yesterday afternoon, and I thought just telling David would be OK.  I learned my lesson – if it isn’t written down, it isn’t happening.  He had a great session and Rose had David walking with a cane.  She has ordered a cane that will have a wrist strap and will have a wider base – sort of like the “Hurry-Cane” as seen on TV.

Today was one of those days when my multi-tasking came in very handy.  Between PT, OT, Calls from the Outpatient PT and OT and Pharmacy and trying to schedule the ST and a visit from Maria to go over menu options, I sometimes wasn’t sure if I was coming or going.  While I was talking to Maria and David was working with the OT, she asked him if he ever walked around apartment with the walker, to which he said no, and in mid sentence with Maria, I turned and said “yes he does”, and then right on with Maria.  I think she thought I was crazy!  Both Maria and Diane.

Maria brought some delicious sandwiches that we had for dinner and cookies for dessert – thanks Maria and Halcyon Gourmet!  Great, great stuff!  I had scheduled the MJHS Speech Therapist for 7pm tonight, and when she called at 7:10pm to say she was on her way, I told her not to come, it was too late.  David wasn’t happy about it being at 7pm, and at 7:00:01 PM he looked at his watch and then at me, and wanted me to call and cancel.  I was glad she called so I could save her the trouble, but he has no patience for that.  Rose – the PT and Siobhan are the only therapists since the HJD that seem to know how to keep a schedule.

At 8pm David wanted to go to sleep, and then at 9pm he called and said he wanted to get back out of bed and watch Project Runway All-Stars.  He went back to bed right afterwards.  We got the new chair, which is much lighter and easier to maneuver.  I think it is less comfortable, but it is really just for transport, and not sitting for long periods.  It may not be a bad thing if the wheelchair is not David’s favorite place to be.  I have been meaning to post another walking video and will do that tomorrow for my afternoon post!