Time goes by, Everything else keeps changing

Loads going on, and it has been way too long since I have written. I tried about a year ago, but had technical difficulties. Don’t ask. Finally today, I was able to spend a couple hours with the Helpdesk to fix the problems.

First things first – we are moving back to Palm Springs. I won’t go into too much detail, but you can read more about it here. To boil it down, the political battle was more than we needed at this point in our lives, and Livermore’s loss will hopefully be Palm Spring’s gain. Why is it that people get most vicious when there is so little at stake? It is sad that we are leaving some amazing friends and the staff and volunteers at Livermore Arts.

Now to happier news. David is doing well and looking forward to getting to Palm Springs. I am busy getting rid of things we have collected over the past twenty plus years. How do you fit three houses into one?

Oh, did I mention I turned 60 a few weeks ago. I really feel like the hip replacement was more of a milestone than 60!

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