To try to get you off of your rump

When I was in college (the first time) I had a professor who told me I was like lard.  He said I would sit and look like there was nothing going on and then there would be a flash of something, and he would look and I would have created something worthwhile.  He suggested that I stop being so much like the lard and more like the flash.  Now, to be honest, even then, I got it.  I understood what he was talking about, and sadly, nothing has really changed.  I have periods (some longer than others) where I seem very unproductive, and then in a frenzy of activity, I get a lot done.  To be honest, during the quiet periods, I am thinking about what I am going to do and waiting for inspiration.  I am sure that there is some clinical name for what this is – ADD, ADHD, Bi Polar disorder or maybe just plain crazy or lazy.

So, today, when I was on my walk this morning, I thought about this, and how frustrated I was that I felt so unproductive.  Like I was just not getting anywhere, and it dawned on me that I don’t have those quiet moments, to myself when I can formulate. Anyway, today, I was pretty productive, and got a lot done, but still so much more to work on.  I have been neglecting my French, which is bad because we leave in a month.  Must make that happen tomorrow.  But I did a lot of sewing, and David and I went out for lunch and went to the card store in Palm Springs to get some cards to send out.  David has now given me a list of people to write to, and did one of them tonight, and plan on sending out emails to the rest after this is done.

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Yesterday I mentioned we went to the movies.   We went to see a movie that was part of the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival.  It was called My Big Gay Love and while the premise was interesting, the film itself fell kinda flat.  About a slightly overweight gay guy, and dealing with social pressures and finding love in a superficial world.  It could have been much better.  The theatre was full, which was nice to see.  There was a short film before the feature, and that was much better.  Called Being Stavros, a documentary about an overweight guy who enters the Gay Mr. UK pageant, and wins the local pageant.  This was much better.