To understand his moving hand

Last night we went to a small local Presbyterian church for a free concert.  Piano, Clarinet and Horn.  I walk past the tiny church all the time, and have always been curious about it, and we had the opportunity to visit.  The concert was great, and the pastor mentioned that she is interested in doing more of these concerts and wanted some suggestions.  I am going to write to her and offer any assistance I can.  Here is a volunteer opportunity that might be perfect for me.

So, I mentioned that we have purchased this diving lady neon sign, and the gallery owner came by today to take picture of where it would be placed to arrange with the person who is making the base will know what we are dealing with.  Next, I need to get an electrician in to hook it up to our lighting system, which, hopefully will be pretty easy.  It looks like there is an electrical junction box right where we are putting it.

Today, we had PT with Blade, and David really is doing very good with his walking without the cane.  He can only do it now in controlled situations, but, as they say, practice!  Blade seems to think that the cane will be a thing of the past within six months.  He walks much faster and better without it, and just needs to find his balance.  We had speech therapy with Arlene, which turned pretty quickly into a couple’s therapy session.  I started writing about how hard it is on me, but you all have heard that song before, so I will spare you.  I really do have to run away for a day or two to . . . to . . . well, to just do nothing, really.  I took a nap this afternoon to try to catch up on some sleep.  I stay up too late and get up too early.  Maybe I need to go away just to sleep.