Tuesday, August 21

This morning Monica and I went to Physical Therapy with David. He is still having a problem with his vision and dizziness. Dr Blum has order an evaluation by an eye doctor as well a a nose an throat specialist. After PT York told David he had done really well, but he rolled his eyes, and really thought he had not made any strides, which is not the case, but no amount of convincing would work. At both his PT session and his OT session he worked on stepping, and we all know where that leads – Walking! He is just being too hard on himself and is thrown by the headaches and dizziness.
Monica and I went to Eataly to pick up some goodies for David while he napped, and we had a lovely lunch in Madison Square Park, although, even in good health, I had trouble getting my body upright after sitting on the grass!
When we got back to HJD, Julie Halston was just leaving after a short visit, and Judy and Steve O’Keefe were with David. Judy and Steve shared lots of pointers and stories about Steve’s recovery this past Winter, and David and I were both inspired by Steve’s progress with Judy’s help, love and support. I hope we can do you proud!
On Thursday, we will have a meeting with the whole team – Doctors, Therapists and Case Worker. My entry should be chock full of information on Thursday night!!n