Tuesday, November 13

Today?  What happened today?  Well, the morning aide didn’t show up, and two hours into the shift I got a call from the agency that she would not be in today – her daughter was in an accident.  Later in the day, I got a call from the agency that she wouldn’t be able to make it for a while, and they will be sending a substitute.  That doesn’t bode well, I think.  Before the call from the agency this morning, got a call from the Nurse from MJHS letting me know that she would be coming by to check on David between noon and 1pm – at 1:30pm, she called to let me know that she was on her way.  I told her that the aide didn’t come that morning, and if she was planning on seeing her, she wasn’t there, and even if she had come in, her shift was over at 1pm.  She came anyway and took David’s blood pressure and asked the same series of questions that the last nurse asked.

I got a call from Dr. Karp and David’s INR numbers are high, so he not only told me not to give David his dose of Coumadin, but called in a prescription for the antidote to CVS.  Tomorrow he will start back on the Coumadin at half the dose.  When I went to  CVS, as I am sure you can predict, they said that they didn’t have that drug and had tried to call – David’s number, of course.  She called around to other CVS’s and the one that had it was on 42nd and 3rd.  I wanted to pick it up before our visit from Marjorie (which was very nice) and since it was rush hour, there were no cabs to be had, so I walked.  By the time I was on my way back down Fifth Ave, my foot was feeling pretty miserable, and as I walked past Starbucks, I saw one of their holiday decorations on the window.  You know, those clingy plastic sheets with uplifiting sayings and this one said “Rekindle the Joy”.  I have got to try to do that.