Tuesday, November 27

Today we went to the Physiatrist, Brian Im.  There was initially some confusion at the front desk about whether we were supposed to see Dr. Im or Dr. Ahm, but that got straightened out.  I am sure it happens often.  He was terrific, and spent over an hour with us.  He also had taken the time to read David’s file, so we didn’t have to waste time going over the basics.  We talked about his Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and he suggested with add a Ophthalmology Therapist and a Vocational Therapist.  David was very excited about the additions.  We should be getting calls from the rehab center on E 38th Street, and I have to follow up with an appointment with the Neurologist, Dr. Blum.

Thank God Jennifer arrived before we left for the appointment, because I don’t think I could have made it alone, in the freezing rain/snow.  The wheelchair that David has will not fit in the cars, so I am going to have to order another “Transfer Chair” that will be smaller and lighter.  It will be good to have for the trip to CA and make it easier to get around.
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We came home after the appointment, watched some TV, had dinner (I cooked) and then finished object #2 in our journey through history.  More tomorrow!