Tuesday, October 2

First, I want to let folks know that we will be home on Saturday, October 5th for the day, and would love folks to come and visit between Noon and 4pm.  325 Fifth Ave, 35E – let me know if you are coming by responding here

Time I will stop by(required)

 or emailing me.

Anyway, today was good, but I was a bit down, which David sensed immediately.  I did stay later than usual tonight, and we watched a few old episodes of “Law & Order: SVU”.  Tomorrow, I am staying even later to watch the debate with David.

It is amazing that David doesn’t believe how well he is doing no matter who tells him.  Julie Halston stopped by today, and we had a fabulous visit.  We laughed and carried on, and at one moment when the nurse came to give David his med’s, Julie thought that they came to ask us to keep it down!  Good times.  Good night, and think good thoughts for our hero and President – Barack Obama!