Tuesday, September 25

Daniel's Hippo hugging Theo's Hippo!
Daniel’s Hippo hugging Theo’s Hippo.

Another quiet day at the Jewish Home. The word for the day was “bacon”. When presented with the letter “R”, David’s response was “Bacon?” And on many other requests, it was the same, “bacon”. A few days ago, it was “baseball”. Maybe it is the “B”?

Our meeting with the social working is at 1:30pm on Friday, so I will have lots of news (I hope) to give on Friday night. When I got to David this morning, he was working with Yvette on OT, and Chrissie McHenry was with him. She brought my favorite book, “Go, Dog, Go”, for Theo and an adorable hippo (the same one that her son Daniel chewed on) that we are to keep with us for when he can visit, or we can bring it to him on our first visit. Thanks Chrissie!

Chrissie left to go to Queens for work, and David worked with Siobhan on speech, and it went well. and then we waited for Minet and Physical Therapy, which was supposed to happen earlier than usual, but didn’t start until later than it normally did. After PT, we went out to the garden, and did some work on the letters, etc. We then had a bit of an argument about which comedy scene best offered a view of what David would sound like when the tried to talk – the episode of Ellen when she was interpreting a deaf production of “Romeo and Juliet” or Steve Carrel in “Bruce Almighty” when he is doing the newscast, and is having gibberish fed to him. Both are very funny and we watched, but need some help deciding. I will put the links below and encourage you to watch both and give me your input!


“Bruce Almighty”

We had a good time watching them again and laughing, and I remember when we watched both of these the first time and laughed almost to tears.