Tuesday, September 4

Well, it was another day full of therapy.  Physical, followed by Occupational, followed by Speech, then lunch and a nap and another 1/2 hour of Speech and another hour of Physical Therapy.  By the end of the day, David was pretty exhausted.

During my lunch break and David’s nap, I got a call from the Social Worker who told me that David was declined at Village Care on Houston Street because they don’t have the facilities to support his needs.  After some questioning, it seems that because they are just a rehab facility, they don’t have the care that a stroke sufferer will need in the long term.  Amsterdam house declined for a totally technical reason – they are renegotiating their contract with Oxford and won’t take any Oxford patients until the contract is done.  So, David is accepted medically by both The Jewish Home on W 106th St (which I liked) and Park Terrace in Queens (which I also liked, but is too far for visitors).  After a few calls to the Social Worker and discussions with Doctors and Therapists, they are going to try to get David’s stay at HJD extended to early next week – Oxford wanted him transferred as soon as a bed was available which could have been today!!  YIKES!!  It is looking like they will be able to make a compelling argument that staying an additional 5 days in the acute rehab will be good for David.
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So, as if you aren’t already doing this, I ask that you light a candle, say a prayer, burn some incense or just hope that David will be at HJD over this weekend!  Many of you know this already, and David has been forcing me to tell everyone at the hospital, I am going to Washington, DC on Thursday and on Friday morning at 7am I will go to the State Department for the Oral Assessment which is the final step to becoming a potential Foreign Service Officer.  It is the final step that I have control over, and David made it pretty clear that it was not something that I could change or cancel.  Needless to say, it would be very difficult for me to get through Friday if he were to be in a strange new place with people that I didn’t know and trust.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday, September 4

  1. Wishing you all the best in DC. Let me know if there is anything I can do while you are out of town. Lighting candles for both of you.

  2. Scott: Best of luck in DC! The foreign service would be so lucky to have you! everything else will work out. Awesome news about David stay at HJD until next week! Hooray!

    – Steve

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