Wednesday, August 15

Success!!  Today, after numerous calls and hounding, the insurance company approved the transfer that the Doctor assured me he had approved.  It would have been nice to have had it done two days ago, but glad that it happened today.  We worked on some reading games that I downloaded onto the iPad.  TherAppy is the name of the program, and it is pretty good.  David was resistant to speaking, but when pushed, he did.  He also had a workout with PT before he was transferred and, I am proud to announce that he is now moved onto soft solid foods and ate a tuna salad sandwich with such vigor, I was slightly scared!!  Hooray for Liat his Speech Therapist.  She thinks that he may be able to move on to clear liquids soon as well!!  He looked like he was in heaven when he drank some sips of ice water – the simple joys!!

A group of faculty and staff from UNIS stopped by and brought cookies for the nursing staff, and to the folks who have been asking what they can give to David, I suggest food stuff for the staff on the 9th floor neuro-rehab.  One request was to include some sugar-free treats!  They work very hard with and for David, and I can’t begin to tell you how happy he is to be back on the 9th floor!

Lynne Miller spent the day with us, a UNIS Alum stopped by and Joy Rizzo also came by at the end of the afternoon.  It is hard for me, but I am reminded by Lynne not to be too easy on David and to make him work on the exercises that he is given even if he doesn’t want to do them.

One thought on “Wednesday, August 15

  1. First crawling, then walking, and now walking with that funny little hip twist. Yea!!! I see the Matterhorn in your future, although I would highly recommend that you simply stay at the Hotel Monte Rosa in Zermatt and admire her from afar!

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