Wednesday, August 29

OK, well, I am officially exhausted, so this will be a relatively short and early post.  This morning I got up and went out to Queens to visit Park Terrace, and it was not a terrible trek, but it was over an hour, which is a lot.  The facility was fine, and they look like they do good work, but I have to weigh the distance.

After the visit, I went straight to the hospital, and David was just finishing up his first 1/2 hour of Speech Therapy. He had already had one hour each of PT and OT, and had another hour each of ST and PT in another hour.  We did some singing in ST, which was great.  He is able to get more worlds out when singing than speaking, which was great to see, and after some of that work, we went up to the cafeteria to sit outside in the sun on the terrace.  It was lovely, and I am sure David was glad to get a little color!  Immediately after that, we head off to the gym with York to do some more PT.  He does very well with standing, some stepping and balancing.  Improvements all around.  While in the gym, Geralynn and Hannah Lobel stop by to say Hi before heading back to Washington.  We also had a nice long visit with Susie Tanenbaum, UNIS alum.  We then had a bit of time to ourselves and unfortunately, had another “I will remember this” moment, when he was trying to tell me some things, and it took a long time for me to figure out what he was trying to say.

Then we had a whole bunch of people arrive – Roy and Valerie from London/South Africa, Marjorie and ___________ (God, I’m sorry, but I just can’t remember the name) from UNIS and then Hilary, came for another visit.  David is getting more words out, which is great, and seems to be more willing to try, even if he is frustrated when unsuccessful.  He just has to keep trying.  His spirits were much better with all the visitors, and I think that is going to weigh heavily on where he goes for the next phase of his recovery.

Anyway, I said it would be short, but it isn’t.  I won’t go back and check for typos – I am sure you will forgive me any errors, and sorry about the name that I missed, but, well, sorry.  Good-Night!