Wednesday, November 21

Merrick arrived this morning, just as we were getting up.  She got David into the shower and dressed, and finished up in time for Siobhan and Speech Therapy, which went very well.  Afterwards, we got a call that David’s new glasses were ready, so we went up to 36th Street to pick them up.  Fortunately, David wanted to go, because when we got there, they didn’t quite work for him, so they are redoing the lenses.  They will now be ready for pick-up on Friday.

Then, after 1pm, we went down to the gym and did some walking.  After that success, we decided to test the lobby out, and see if David could make it from the elevators to the front door, and he did, and turned around and walked back to the elevators.  I think that tomorrow, we may go to Thanksgiving dinner without the wheelchair and just take the walker.  David will be able to get from a cab to the elevator of the building and get upstairs to sit down.  It could either be a great achievement or a great mistake, but I am leaning towards the former.  We will see how he feels about it tomorrow.

We then had a visit from Michal and she came bearing gifts from the Queen’s campus – Starbucks and Rugelach, who could ask for anything more!! Then Lisa came bearing more stories of UNIS.

After the social hour, it was back to work with Diane the Occupational Therapist who showed me how to massage David’s hand, which he loves. And then Cynthia, the other Speech Therapist came by and worked some more with David.  She also thinks he is making progress, but just needs to keep practicing.  After that, I made dinner, and we watched and episode of “Boardwalk Empire”.  David found it rather confusing, and not sure how much of it he got.  We may have to backtrack a little to get him caught up.

Finally, we finished an episode of “Being Human” a BBC drama along the lines of “True Blood” without all the sex.  It is about a vampire, werewolf and ghost sharing a house in Bristol.  Much better than is sounds!