Wednesday, October 10

Today we had a visit from a former UNIS teacher who is studying to be a Neuro Therapist.  She has offered to work with David with her mentor who is an experienced therapist.  Basically, they work to train the brain waves to begin working in different areas by tracking with an EEG and using different programs and games.  It seems to be interesting, and as long as it isn’t invasive, I think it is worth a try.  It is a relatively new therapy (30 years or so) and is considered experimental.  David agrees that it is worth a try.

More Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and a substitute Physical Therapist, since Minet was out.  All went well.  I find Speech Therapy very interesting and frustrating.  You just never know what you are going to get, day to day.  We spent a little time outside in the garden – the fresh air is always a nice change.  I also walked home tonight again, which is also refreshing.

I am going away this weekend to Vermont, and will not be writing (I don’t think), but David is coming home on Saturday, thanks to Kathleen who is stepping into my shoes.  Maybe I will ask her to write the blog on those days!