Wednesday, October 31

David is home and I just tucked him into our bed.  I was quite nervous about his coming home, and as soon as got into the house, I had to run out to get his prescriptions filled, and while CVS turned me away (we close in an hour, and I won’t be able to fill this), Walgreen’s (who also closed in an hour) was thrilled to help out and fill the prescriptions. We had something to eat, he took his pills, and seemed exhausted, so off to bed!  I will follow shortly.

I drove up in the morning and sat in on Occupational and Speech Therapy, and then drove back down with a bunch of stuff from the room.  They weren’t sure if David would be released today – his INR number was still 3, and they wouldn’t release him until it was under 2.5, and they were running another blood test.  I got in the car at 4pm to head back uptown, even though I hadn’t gotten a confirmation that he would be released.  The drive uptown, which usually takes 20 minutes or less took over an hour and 20 minutes.  Madison Ave was a parking lot.  Coming back, while not as bad as the trip up, was still filled with traffic.

Anyway, we are home and have electricity, but sadly, have no heat or hot water.  ConEd has to get that up and running soon!  I really can’t complain as I look out the window at the dark black outline of the city to the east against the lights of Queens and Brooklyn.  So far, so good!


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