Wednesday, September 5

This morning, two wonderful things happened – first, and this may seem like a small thing but it isn’t, David turned on on the electric razor.  Again, this may seem simple, but he wasn’t able to tell the difference between a push button and a slide switch, until this morning.  Second, we got notice from the insurance company that David is approved through Sunday.  This means that he will stay put for the weekend, and on Monday, they are going to push for three additional days, but if they don’t approve, we will make the move uptown on Monday or Tuesday.

Today was another big day of therapy with two hours of Physical, one and a half hours of Speech and an hour of Occupational.  Even though he had not slept well last night, he worked through and did everything that the therapists asked him to.
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We had visits from UNIS folks, and Liz stopped by, but we were at therapy and then Michelle stopped by.