We’ll do the best we know

A good, quiet day.  Had a nice FaceTime visit with Alex, Claire and Theo.  They are still settling into their place in Paris, but it sounds like it may take a while for all the pieces to fall into place.  Fortunately, their friends Ed and Alexis are being very helpful.  So comforting to know that they have good friends to lean on.

We went in the pool and exercised, but David is still pretty dizzy all the time.  I sent an email to the Doctor to see if adjusting his medication might help.  There are three drugs that he is taking, and two of them might possibly be stopped or have the dosage reduced.  We will see what he says, but I think we need to try something at this point.  I had orientation for the chorus, which went well, but I find that I am feeling pretty anti-social, and find it difficult to make small talk.  I did have a nice chat with the baritone section leader, who is from DC, and says that he remembers my name, because it was on the baritone section list for years after I auditioned, but didn’t join the GMCGW.  We talked about H Street and the Atlas, and of course, we had a lot of friends in common.

Anyway, that was the highlight, the lowlight was during one of the “getting to know the new members” exercises.  Ala Cinderella, all the new members were to leave one shoe at the front of the room, and the older members were supposed to pick a shoe, find its owner and ask three questions and then introduce the new member to the group.  Well, my “prince” found me, and proceeded to tell me that I was his buddy, and the purpose of the exercise was to pair folks up, and I was to call if I had any questions or needed to miss a rehearsal or anything.  Now, I knew that this wasn’t what the exercise was about – I already had a buddy, but I wasn’t in the mood to argue, so let it go.  Then people started being called up to introduce the newbies.  Next time I looked back to my “prince”, he was gone.  Nowhere to be found.  They went through the list, and the membership leader asked if there was anyone left, and I raised my hand (I had thought of slinking out, but decided to be brave) and said that my “Prince Charming” had to run because it was midnight.  I thought it was funny, but all I got were blank stares.  I then had to explain that the guy who picked up my shoe must have been frightened of me, and that I often have that effect on men.  Still nothing.  I then said I would take the liberty of introducing myself, which I did.  I have to say, it does concern me that folks here take things so literally.  I don’t think it was my delivery, but who knows.  I did get a special prize for my bravery – a cap and a mug.

Before and after the orientation, David and I watched a lot of Breaking Bad.  We got through Season 2 and have started Season 3.  In between, dinner and then ended the evening with the blog and the book.  Now it is the quest for determining the age of the earth and and at the same time avoid heresy charge.  Nobody yet is up to the task.  Also the story of the first dinosaur bone found in NJ and lost soon after in Philadelphia.