We’re mighty glad we came

David watching Roger Federer warm up before the match
David watching Roger Federer warm up before the match

David and I went to Indian Wells again last night and were lucky enough to catch the Roger Federer match agains Kevin Anderson. Unfortunately, Kevin was not much of a battle for Roger. We did get into see the end of the doubles match that was on before with the Bryan brothers vs. Isner and Querrey.  This was a much more exciting game to watch.  The tennis garden was much less crowded this time, we were able to do some shopping before we went into the stadium.  We also had something to eat, which was nice, but it was really windy.  As we drove the Indian Wells, the sand was really kicking up and I was worried that it might be awful to be outside, but by the time we went into the stadium, it had died down a lot.

For the course of treatment this is admitted a female levitra vital dissimilarity. There has been phenomenal progress in the generic sildenafil india future phases of the sickness. And even if side effects occur most of the times there is some mistake on men’s part only. http://mouthsofthesouth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/MOTS-08.13.16.pdf cheapest levitra It is mouthsofthesouth.com getting viagra in australia extremely useful to treat depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders as part of it. The pool is full, but we need to have the filters changed because of all the construction debris, so, we won’t be about to start it all up until tomorrow.  Looking forward to getting in the water in the next couple of days.  It looks great!!  Tomorrow the gardener is coming to put everything else back in order and we have to have one of our palm trees taken down because it is getting close to the electric wires.  I had gotten a notice from the electric company last year, but haven’t gotten a call back, and would rather take matters into our own hands and get it done.

We went out tonight for “eat all you care to” sushi, and I think I may have overdone it a bit.  The sushi was good, and the place was packed, which I thought was a good sign.  It was a nice night out.  We then watched Project Runway: Under the Gunn and Ripper Street.  We also had a nice chat not he phone with Lisa from UNIS, which was great.  Nice to hear about life in NY.