When the poor brain is cracking, there’s nothing like packing

Our bags are packed. We’re ready to go.  Just got home from Donovan’s for dinner.  Wait, that is not how the song goes.  Dinner was very nice, and sadly, I got a call from Blade and he had to cancel because he and Ralph were on their way to Utah for a “Family Emergency”.  I only quote that because usually when you say “Family Emergency” you are going into rehab or are just hung over.  Well, neither is the case for Blade and Ralph.  They really did have a family emergency (notice the lower case).  We did have a great group though, Donovan’s Dad and his friend and Donovan’s doctor and his partner and a friend of theirs from Oakland.  We had a wait for dinner, so David had to try to participate in conversation.  He did really well, and Donovan’s Dad mentioned how much better David’s speech was since the last time we met at Christmas.  I noted to David that as we were leaving, he was telling the folks left how much better his speech was to prove that he wasn’t just saying it for David’s benefit.

I am all packed and resisting the urge to unpack and check and count what I already counted and checked and packed.  I am pretty sure that everything is in place, and I have the documents right here.  Passports checked for expiration dates, drivers license checked for expiration date.  Cruise documents.  Flight details.  The last thing to get packed will be all the stuff that is on this table now.  I think I will be able to pull it off.
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Took my last walk in Palm Springs until September, and it was very nice.  Ran for a bit of it.  It was hot, but the sun was sooooo nice.  Now, off to bed to get some sleep before the race begins tomorrow.  Ended by 29 days of relaxing and nothing to think about.  I will try to write.  And take photos.  Maybe even a selfie of me!!  Stay tuned.